Dan Torsiello, a social studies teacher at Central Regional High School in Bayville, continues to fundraise to support students in the North Kivu province in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Last year, Torsiello wrote a piece that was published in the NJEA Review about his efforts to build a school in the rural village of Mushaki. Thanks to the efforts of many, including the Central Regional community and the people of Bayville, as well as significant funding from donors Paul and Margo Hooker, the school was built.
However, recent instability in the region forced the students and many families to leave the village. Most of them found themselves in a United Nations refugee camp. Torsiello, working with his friend and collaborator Christian Aganze, redirected funds to set up a camp for those displaced families and children, many of whom are orphaned, in order to continue some education as well as tend to their health care needs.
Torsiello and his collaborators continue to fundraise for the students. Learn more at www.thekivuproject.org.