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Your NJEA helpline – Confidential, Accessible, and Resourceful

NJEA, NJREA and NJEA Preservice members and their families can contact AID-NJEA at 866-AID-NJEA (866-243-6532). This confidential, toll-free help line, based out of Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care, is staffed by qualified retired and active members and answered by a live person 24 hours a day and seven days a week. AID-NJEA is for professional and personal concerns and is not just limited to mental health assistance. Call center staff also maintain an extensive, up-to-date resource file to assist callers in contacting NJEA Member Benefits, social services, government agencies and other locations within NJEA headquarters or its UniServ offices.

AID-NJEA uses the Peer Support Model. That means that each AID-NJEA staff member has public education experience and specialized training to support a wide range of issues. This shared experience helps the call center staff to identify presenting problems and discuss appropriate solutions and referrals. Personal concerns, discussion of family matters, resource information, and just plain conversation are only a few of the things that can be discussed. You will always get a real human voice with no automated systems to navigate, and only members have this convenient, 21st-century option available at no cost.

If you need a listening ear, confidentially talking by phone with another person from the comfort and privacy of your home can be a huge benefit. Hundreds of members use this free member benefit, month after month. With no extra numbers to push and a human voice to greet you, contact is readily accessible to members and their families.